
Monday, May 13, 2019

Corporate Responsibility and Marketing Strategies of Apple Inc Assignment - 3

Corporate Responsibility and Marketing Strategies of orchard apple tree Inc - Assignment ExampleThe researcher states that in this era of globalization and international trade where rapid technological progression and cutthroat competition has wrick immensely important, priority has been exceedingly shifted towards corporate friendly responsibilities so that the companies can align their production and scattering process with social and environmental norms. The mastermind behind Apple Inc. was Steve Jobs who had founded the companion in 1976. The caller is famed for its iPod media player, iPad tablets Mac line of personal computers, iPhone etc. iCloud, iTunes, App Stores etc. online services and iWork creativity, iTunes media browser etc. services has helped the company to achieve the leading position in the market. In terms of revenue, Apple is the second largest Information applied science Company only after Samsung and in the mobile phone manufacturing segment, it is third largest. According to the reports on 2014, Apple is having 437 retail stores in more than 15 countries worldwide and appoints more than 72,800 permanent employees. Strong research and development, origination and customer orientation of Apple Inc. have resulted from the high degree of brand loyalty for the company which has back up to achieve worlds Most Valuable Brand Award in 2014. Clearly, practices of corporate social responsibility of such huge brand as Apple Inc. must be exemplary for all told other corporations operating in the multinational platform. Apple Inc. is well known for its ethical and corporate responsibilities which the company has continued practicing since its inception and improved over time. Apples ethical practices are reflected in the rule of conduct followed by all its employees irrespective of situations.

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