
Thursday, May 2, 2019

Physics assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Physics assignment - Essay ExampleThis research go out focus on using wave models to describe and give various properties concerning waves. During the research, there will be some demonstrations to rise that activateing waves propagate. Though, the particles of the fair ar stagnant. Various properties of waves will be studied. Among the main properties of waves is the speed at which waves travel through a given medium. Wavelength is also another property of the waves that will be considered in reasonableness and lastly the wave frequency.Another area of research will be determining the different types of waves. The intelligible properties of waves will be considered in order to identify and classify various types of waves in existence. Waves make particles of the medium in which they are travelling to be displaced. This displacement of particles affects their equilibrium positions in the medium. For a string, the particles to be displaced are either small segments of the string or its sections. Wave displacement forms a crucial while discussing near formation of harmonic oscillations commonly referred to as sinusoidal waves.Wave speed Taking a aim at travelling waves, it becomes clear that waves have a source. A laboratory practical to analyses the source and look of waves will be carried out. During the laboratory experiment, a metal wire, sensor, pulley and a hanging mass will be connected as shown in the set up below.The hanging mass is attached at the end of the string to provide tension. When a horizontal pick is used to pluck the string vertical at the pulley, a pulse is created in the string and travels along it in form of a disturbance. A timer is started by the pulse created in the wire by the plucking effect. The timer continues recording the time until the travelling pulse reaches the sensor, which stops it. When the mass attached to the other end of the string is changed, the

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