
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

What Role Does International Relations Play in the Shaping, Defining, or Legitimating of Masculinity or Masculinities?

â€Å"There may be numerous ways in which international relations are implicated in the construction of masculinities and masculine identities; through the direct disciplining of male bodies, through numerous political and institutional practices, and through broader cultural and ideological links. † Unquestioningly, more and more people believe that â€Å"the personal becomes political† nowadays, we can see that even for subjects that suppose to be those of intimate details of private lives have become something that are constructed and structured by social relations. More obvious, lives of women are especially in the main stage, but not in a very good way. How? There are many forms of gender oppression towards women. This performance of discrimination â€Å"deprives women from equal rights, whereas men have been judge on their merits as individuals, women have tended to be judged as female or as a group. † This is to say that apparently, the world of international relations is precisely a man’s world, both in practice and theory. Be that as it may, to be success in this particular world, one must pass the criteria measured by masculine traits: power, autonomy, and independence. Also, it has been said that the privilege and power that achieve by men are not due to their physical, but because of their cultural association with masculinity. Having said that, Hooper also proposed that â€Å"it is the quality of masculinity that is closely associated with power, rather than men per se, and the term masculinism, which implies a privileging of masculinity†. Coupled the stories that I have just described with the picture of international politics which is dominated by diplomats, soldiers, and international civil servants, most of whom are men, in defining the governments’ policies, it is not exaggerate to assume that world politics is a man’s world. Regardless of the fact that international relations is one of the last social sciences to be affected by gender/feminist analysis, many agree that it is because it has been so strongly masculinised by the works of those people that I have just said. Moreover, considering the current trend of world politics that is based mainly on the ideology of realism, not only that it helps legitimate the masculine world, but also it contributes to the international relations theory and practice’s focal point on power, sovereignty, and security. Nonetheless, in this paper I will first discuss about the significance of identity towards international relations which I believe will provide the basic clarity of why we have to study about the importance of IR towards the masculine identity, then I will turn to the talk about the meaning of patriarchy and who defines or what legitimates that notion. Next I will try to answer the question of this paper by making it seems more practical. For example, I will depict the picture of the world after Cold War in which realism claims its explanatory power and its effect in shaping, defining, or legitimating masculinity or masculinities, along with the illustration of how the United States have inscribed the idea of gender into IR, and used it to legitimate their actions, etc. Lastly will be the conclusion part. Identity and IR In the famous article of Marysia Zalewski and Cynthia Enloe, Questions about the Identity in International Relations, they have asked us many questions that many always want to know the answers: what our identity is and who defines us. Knowingly, â€Å"identity is being fashioned and constructed by others who have a stake in making up certain social categories and in trying to make people conform to them. † However, if any chance the final result came out showing that your identity is ‘a woman’, then ‘too bad’, because you will have to live with this so-called inferior status for the rest of your life. Asserting Zalewski and Enloe, â€Å"gender and specifically that which is identified as belongings to femininity acts as a pre-emptive deterrent to certain modes of thought, action and speech. † Funny as it may seem, who would have known that the social construction of women identity has been manufactured by mainly male theorists in order to keep them from accessing the public world, the world designed only for men. Patriarchy and the Misogynic World â€Å"The term patriarchy was originally associated with ‘the rule of father’ but feminists broadened its use to cover other aspects of male domination. † Obviously, international relations base its assumption and explanations almost entirely on the activities and experiences of men. Furthermore, according to Connell, there are several reasons why feminists have seen the state as patriarchal institution. â€Å"the state is the core of the whole structure of power relations in gender with the total exclusion of women† †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"the state has a well-marked internal gender regime† with the example of strong gender division of labour †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"it is typical of modern states that the centres of state power, the top decision-making units, are heavily masculine† †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"the state has the capacity to do gender, it generates policies concerned with gender issues† Given these reasons, it can be said t hat only men can benefit, ‘patriarchal dividend’ in the form of money, authority, respect, safety and power, from the world of gender inequalities. Although not all men can receive the benefits of patriarchal world, and not every woman suffers from it either, still the way in which elites men who possess the power in influencing and making decisions in government’s policy tend to focus on dichotomous thinking is mainly in order to sustain the gender order in the way that they want and the way that they can privilege from. Hooper suggested that in defining masculinities â€Å"the academic discipline of IR is not exempt from the general observation that the more men align themselves with hegemonic masculinities, the more they boost their own credibility and perpetuate that hegemony†. And in defending this more valued status, we can see masculine practices work their ways to maintain such position, whether self-consciously or not, as well as to make sure that they meet the threshold of requiring elites’ privileges. Hooper also claimed that â€Å"masculinities are not just domestic cultural variables; both political events and masculine identities are the products of men’s participation in international relations. † Also, â€Å"international relations reflects a world of men in that they influence international affairs through their physical capacities, through practices at the institutional level, and through the symbolic links between masculinity and power. For real supporting example of such argument, I find that many scholars believe that the United States in the post-colonial era had been dominated by politicians, diplomats, and other international players. These were groups of people who had been strongly influenced by European values of hegemonic masculinity. Asserting Hooper once again, â€Å"such institutions still tend to churn out a high proportion of international elites. † In sum, the international arena and men require each other. This is to say that, while international relations needs men to design and work on its structure, most men, especially white elites men, also need the international relations to hold on to and to maintain their status quo. International Politics and its effect on Masculinities The Realism World â€Å"Paradigms such as realism, pluralism and structuralism/globalism are ontologically and ideologically committed to seeing a particular picture of the international, as a result which they are also theoretically and epistemologically constrained. † States are considered to be principal actors in the international relations. Why? To answer this question, one might have to go back to the traditional ideology of realism – which regards states as unitary and rational actor- that has been in the main focus of world politics for quite some time now. Especially in the era of Cold War, foreign policies of both the United States and the Soviet Union led to the institutionalization of masculinity. They fought each other with, besides the arms race, the definitions of masculinity and femininity. However, if we dig deep enough to the core of policy makers and intellectuals that dominated the world, we can see that most of them are men. Thus, as we live in the world that dominated by a masculine’s culture, anything that is relating to the traits of hegemonic masculinity can be seen as in a higher position, superior status to those that associated with feminine. Also, the way in which we mostly concentrate our ideologies after cold war with realism led us to the emphasis on power politics, which finally renders us the reinforcement of masculinities. And, â€Å"for realist, security tied to the military security of the state. Given their pessimistic assumptions about the likely behaviour of states in anarchic international environment, thus war could break out at any time because nothing can prevent it. This rendered states to rely on their own power capabilities to achieve security† . Hence, it can be easily detected that realism is oriented by masculine-linked characteristics. â€Å"Characteristics associated with manliness, such as toughness, courage, power, independence, and even physical strength, have, throughout history, been those most valued in the conducted of politics, particularly international politics† . Cited example from Zalewski and Enloe’s work, â€Å"the current Chinese officials making nuclear policy were all men and they made at least some of their nuclear decision in order to prove to the Russians and the Americas that they too were real men in international politics. † In spite the fact that realism notion can only explain a partial view of reality, still just when we think about the national security, it means that we have already entered into an almost exclusively male domain. Tickner argued that â€Å"in the post-World War II world, this bipolar balance of power became what less sanguine observers termed a balance on terror that rested on the vast array of nuclear weapons possessed by the United States, the unprecedented buildup and maintenance of hugh military arsenals in a time of peace led to a new branch of international relations scholarship known as national security studies. While national security scholars are realists in their basic assumptions and explanations, during the Cold War era they focused almost exclusively in designing a military strategy for the United States with respect to the Soviet Union. As national security specialists have moved between academic and government, American national security policy has rested on the realist prescription of increasing security through preparation for war† . However, the statement that I have just cited is not exaggerate since when we look back into the world history, particularly for the Greeks, the way to achieve status and recognition as an honored man, one needed to participate in war in the form of heroic performance. We can assume from these given facts that realism focus only on men, while oppress women. Tickner gave us clarity that â€Å"The high politics of war and Realpolitik, the traditional Western academic discipline of international relations privileges issues that grow out of men’s experiences; we are socialized into believing that war and power politics are spheres of activity with which men have a special affinity and that their voices in describing and prescribing for this world are therefore likely to be more authentic. † This rendered the pattern of gender discrimination that happens in the world nowadays. To give an insight on this area, I shall point to the work of many well-known realists, namely Machiavelli, Hobbes, and Morgenthau. But first as most international relations student know that the Greek city-state was a community of warriors, and intellectuals and theorists back in those years like Hobbes, he said that people in the state of nature are in international arena. This is to say that, nature is in control of men; thus, it helps legitimate hegemonic masculinity. While for Machiavelli’s â€Å"the Prince†, he highly praised for warrior-prince. Given this fact, many feminists regard warrior-citizenship neither as a negative, unavoidable characterization of human nature, nor a desirable possibility. Rather, they defer it as a revisable, gendered construction of personality and citizenship. Machiavelli also argued that for a person to possess to quantity of manliness, one must have virtu, which literally means manly activity. According to Tickner, â€Å"Machiavelli’s virtu is insight, energetic activity, effectiveness, and the courage: it demands overcoming a man’s self-indulgence and laziness. † On the other hand, he perceived women as fortuna. Or else, it is a feminine power in men themselves against which they must continually struggle to maintain autonomy. For him, â€Å"fortuna is a threat to the masculinity of the citizen-warrior† Furthermore, he always regarded women as weak, fearful, indecisive, and dependent. Also, Tickner claimed that the real test of manly virtue in that era was victory in battle. In Morgenthau’s popular book â€Å"Politics among Nations,† he has constructed his argument almost exclude women. When he claimed about the struggle for power between individuals for dominance, women hardly occupy any claims of such area. Thus, we can assume that when Morgenthau talks about domination, he is referring to men primarily. Having said these, we can presume once again that state continues to derive much of its legitimacy from its security function; especially for national security that citizens are willing to make sacrifices without doubt. Additionally, Connell said that â€Å"while state power is a resource for the struggle for hegemony in gender, hegemonic masculinity is also a resource in the struggle for state power. † And this explains why political parties often choose military heroes or prominent generals as candidates. Tickner proved that â€Å"the president’s dual role as commander in chief reinforces our beliefs that qualities we associate with the manliness are of utmost importance in the selection of our presidents †To understand this logic, we first have to realize that â€Å"soldiering is characterized as a manly activity requiring the masculine traits of physical strength, action, toughness, capacity for violence, and, for officers, resolve, technical know-how, and logical or strategic thinking† and that â€Å"military combat in the pursuit of war is a clear example of how international relations help to shape men †. It is the most complete version of masculinity. Those who went to war and came back had been highly praised for their sacrifice. In this case, the dead were also heroes. Rather, in many cases we can that those men who avoid going to fight in war had been greatly looked down on as soft and feminized. Further we can see that â€Å"war are fought for many reasons; yet, frequently, the rationale for fighting wars is presented in gendered terms such as the necessity of standing up to aggression rather than being pushed around or appearing to be sissy or a wimp. Support for wars is often garnered through the appeal to masculine characteristics †. In the realism world where war is central to the way we learn about the international relations, the vicious cycle and the security dilemma relied greatly on the war, and since war demands manliness, for combat is the ultimate test of masculinity, thus â€Å"war is a gendering activity at a time when the discourse of militarism and masculinity permeates the whole fabric of society †. One of the most interesting examples of to show how international relations and masculinities had interrelationship after reading the work of Hooper is when he claimed that â€Å"Pluralist and liberal perspectives were being feminized by Waltz un order to put them down. Theoretical overcomplication that creates confusion is akin to so-called feminine woolly mindedness, in signifying lack of masculine reason and purposefulness†¦ Such failings contrast neatly with Waltz’s own punchy, curt, and slightly aggressive prose. Given that example, we can infer easily of the direct consequences that international relations use the gender perspectives in upgrading their own point of view. Thus, using this same tactic the United States nowadays in order to fight the war on terror, most of the policymakers in the Capitol Hill, which most of them are men, have been tried to implicate the rhetoric of gender in which they portrayed those who refuse the use of patriot act as being soft, t he characteristic most likely to associated with women. Imperialism and Post-Colonialism Traced back in time we can see that imperial also intervened in domestic life or somehow found the way to link the issue of domination with gender of people in their colonies. For example, one of the greatest works in international relations studies of Edward Said ‘Orientalism’ rendered us the idea of a male perception of the world And Tickner showed that â€Å"colonized people were often described as being effeminate, masculinity was an attribute of the white man, and colonial order depended on Victorian standards of manliness †. Similar to the same tactic using above, sometimes we can see that the imperial countries often portray the countries which they ruled with the picture of female or even children. For example this is how Latin America was perceived by the United States. Thus, â€Å"it is not the action themselves but the gendered interpretations placed on them that are crucial in determining which activities count as masculine and valued and which count as feminine and devalued . † International Political Economy and Gender Division of Labour â€Å"The power of gendered dichotomies and the way in which strategies of masculinization and feminization work to promote inequalities between the sexes can be seen clearly in the gendered division of labor† . Recently political economy has become more and more powerful in its explanatory power. Depicting Japan and Germany, two countries saw as aggressors of World War II, these two countries nowadays have emerged as the economic superpower contrasting to the ideology of realism. Yet, this does not imply that military, power have declined their strengths, rather in many countries still military and arms purchase still prior to other economic budget. True that political economy is another important field of international relations, and it has increased its popularity over time, still, as irony as it may seem, the more global economy has shown its face to the world, the more it shows the cold war imagery of masculinity. â€Å"Post cold-war era in for the United Sates reflected not only a reconfiguration of Anglo-American hegemonic masculinity in conjunction with economic estructuring, workplace changes, and new management styles, but also reflected a more local phenomenon: the Americanization of the City of London and of the culture of international finance †. Even for liberalism that tends to give attention to economy, or liberalism rational economic man, most people still agree that that idea is based heavily on the hegemonic masculinity characteristic s. Be that as it may, this gave birth to the gender or sexual division of labour in which men have dominated the intellectual fields while women have been assigned the domestic tasks necessary for physical survival , especially in the light industries . Enloe said that â€Å"this sexual division of labour has had the effect of further masculinizing national and international politics. For governments to possess heavy industries which most men control is held as proof that a country has graduated. † Also many Marxist feminists believe that capitalism is the source of women’s oppression and lower levels of human capital , radical feminists claim that â€Å"women are oppressed by the system of patriarchy that has existed under almost all modes of production. Patriarchy is institutionalized through legal and economic, as well as social and cultural institutions †. Moreover, â€Å"if capital is being rewarded disproportionately to labour in the world economy, then men are being rewarded disproportionately to women † and that â€Å"women are oppressed in specific ways that are attributable to patriarchy rather than capitalism † Conclusion â€Å"IR symbolically becomes a wholly masculine sphere of war and diplomacy, at the furthest extreme from the domestic sphere of families, women, and reproduction in the private/public/international divides of modernity† . In answering the paper’s question, Hooper said that â€Å"international relations has played an important part in not only reflecting and legitimating specific masculinities, but also in constructing and defining them† . With all the proving examples that I have stated in this paper, I do not think that gender hierarchies that privilege male characteristics and men’s knowledge and experiences, and sustain the kind of attitudes toward women in foreign policy will change any time soon.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Is fashion important?

Deposit agreement 0 When you opened your account, you received a deposit agreement and fee schedule and agreed that your account would be governed by the arms of these documents, as we may amend them from time to time. These documents are part of the contract for your deposit account and govern all transactions relating to your account, including all deposits and withdrawals. Copies of both the deposit agreement and fee schedule which contain the current version of the terms and conditions of your account relationship may be obtained at our banking centers.Electronic transfers: In case of errors or questions about your electronic transfers 0 If you think your statement or receipt is wrong or you need more information about an electronic transfer (e. . , ATM transactions, direct deposits or withdrawals, point-of-sale transactions) on the statement or receipt, telephone or write us at the address and number listed on the front of this statement as soon as you can.We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent you the FIRST statement on which the error or problem appeared. Tell us your name and account number. Describe the error or transfer you are unsure about, and explain as clearly as you can why you believe there is an error or why you need more information. Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error. For consumer accounts used primarily for personal, family or household purposes, we will investigate your complaint and will correct any error promptly.If we take more than 10 business days (10 calendar days if you are a Massachusetts customer) (20 business days if you are a new customer, for electronic transfers occurring during the first 30 days after the first deposit is made to your account) to do this, we will credit your account for the amount you think is in error, so that you will have use of the money during the time it will take to complete our investigation. For other accounts, we investigate, and if we find we have made an error, we c redit your account at the conclusion of our investigation.Reporting other problems 0 You must examine your statement carefully and promptly. You are in the best position to discover errors and unauthorized transactions on your account. If you fail to notify us in writing of suspected problems or an unauthorized transaction within the time period specified in the deposit agreement (which periods are no more than 60 days after we make the statement available to you and in some cases are 30 days or less), we are not liable to you for, ND you agree to not make a claim against us for the problems or unauthorized transactions. Is fashion important? Deposit agreement 0 When you opened your account, you received a deposit agreement and fee schedule and agreed that your account would be governed by the arms of these documents, as we may amend them from time to time. These documents are part of the contract for your deposit account and govern all transactions relating to your account, including all deposits and withdrawals. Copies of both the deposit agreement and fee schedule which contain the current version of the terms and conditions of your account relationship may be obtained at our banking centers.Electronic transfers: In case of errors or questions about your electronic transfers 0 If you think your statement or receipt is wrong or you need more information about an electronic transfer (e. . , ATM transactions, direct deposits or withdrawals, point-of-sale transactions) on the statement or receipt, telephone or write us at the address and number listed on the front of this statement as soon as you can.We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent you the FIRST statement on which the error or problem appeared. Tell us your name and account number. Describe the error or transfer you are unsure about, and explain as clearly as you can why you believe there is an error or why you need more information. Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error. For consumer accounts used primarily for personal, family or household purposes, we will investigate your complaint and will correct any error promptly.If we take more than 10 business days (10 calendar days if you are a Massachusetts customer) (20 business days if you are a new customer, for electronic transfers occurring during the first 30 days after the first deposit is made to your account) to do this, we will credit your account for the amount you think is in error, so that you will have use of the money during the time it will take to complete our investigation. For other accounts, we investigate, and if we find we have made an error, we c redit your account at the conclusion of our investigation.Reporting other problems 0 You must examine your statement carefully and promptly. You are in the best position to discover errors and unauthorized transactions on your account. If you fail to notify us in writing of suspected problems or an unauthorized transaction within the time period specified in the deposit agreement (which periods are no more than 60 days after we make the statement available to you and in some cases are 30 days or less), we are not liable to you for, ND you agree to not make a claim against us for the problems or unauthorized transactions. Is fashion important? Deposit agreement 0 When you opened your account, you received a deposit agreement and fee schedule and agreed that your account would be governed by the arms of these documents, as we may amend them from time to time. These documents are part of the contract for your deposit account and govern all transactions relating to your account, including all deposits and withdrawals. Copies of both the deposit agreement and fee schedule which contain the current version of the terms and conditions of your account relationship may be obtained at our banking centers.Electronic transfers: In case of errors or questions about your electronic transfers 0 If you think your statement or receipt is wrong or you need more information about an electronic transfer (e. . , ATM transactions, direct deposits or withdrawals, point-of-sale transactions) on the statement or receipt, telephone or write us at the address and number listed on the front of this statement as soon as you can.We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent you the FIRST statement on which the error or problem appeared. Tell us your name and account number. Describe the error or transfer you are unsure about, and explain as clearly as you can why you believe there is an error or why you need more information. Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error. For consumer accounts used primarily for personal, family or household purposes, we will investigate your complaint and will correct any error promptly.If we take more than 10 business days (10 calendar days if you are a Massachusetts customer) (20 business days if you are a new customer, for electronic transfers occurring during the first 30 days after the first deposit is made to your account) to do this, we will credit your account for the amount you think is in error, so that you will have use of the money during the time it will take to complete our investigation. For other accounts, we investigate, and if we find we have made an error, we c redit your account at the conclusion of our investigation.Reporting other problems 0 You must examine your statement carefully and promptly. You are in the best position to discover errors and unauthorized transactions on your account. If you fail to notify us in writing of suspected problems or an unauthorized transaction within the time period specified in the deposit agreement (which periods are no more than 60 days after we make the statement available to you and in some cases are 30 days or less), we are not liable to you for, ND you agree to not make a claim against us for the problems or unauthorized transactions.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Australian national cinema is primarily government-supported, with Essay

Australian national cinema is primarily government-supported, with limited infrastructure and with a small population. Discuss k - Essay Example This inconsistency is evident from the box office results which showed that since 1995, the local box offices taken by homegrown has rarely gone beyond five percent. Ginnane (2009) suggests that the key to a successful film industry and ample percentage of the Australian box office (minimum of 10%) is the number of titles totaling to more than five million dollars box office every year. To attain this, it is fundamental for domestic filmmakers to uphold a trend of stable growth to bring about some measure of economic self sufficiency in the domestic film industry. Various issues are associated with developing, supporting and sustaining a national film industry. This essay will focus on these issues in the context of the Australian film industry. In order to develop a large scale national film production, a country needs to secure a secure domestic distribution base that has well developed exhibition circuits. Litwak (2003) suggested that the major impediment facing most filmmakers is how to secure distribution for their motion pictures. Without a secure distribution, the likelihood of a profitable return on investment in film production is nonexistent. O’Reagan (1996) argued that Australian cinema needs to interest different agents such as cinema marketers, producers and critics so as to translate the purposes and ends of the Australian films. Distributing films is one of the challenges that most filmmakers face once a film has been completed. Finding an audience locally and internationally can be resolved by a secure distribution. The objectives of the federal regulatory and financial support in Australia have always been strengthened by a cultural as well as a commercial mandate. Cones (2010) points out that in case a film successfully acquires a distributor, the producers makes every efforst to cooperate with the distributor to come up with the most favorable release pattern in all pertinent constraints. The scope of distribution progressively expands , adding theaters and cities to meet demand as the film meets is audience base. This means that a country needs to secure a domestic distribution base for developing, supporting and sustaining a national film industry. The second most important aspect in developing, supporting and sustaining a national film industry is to understand people viewing habits, the kind of movies that they want to view. The Marketing Branch of the Australian Film Commission (1999) highlighted that it did not find as much support for alternative films or specialist as it did few years ago. According to the commission, the younger generation who were used to start off being involved with those alternative films at the university level no longer frequented foreign movies any longer and they also preferred the bigger films. A survey conducted by Roy Morgan Research (2010) on Australian films, documentaries and fictional television revealed that fiction television viewership is driven by strong existing person al preferences and passive factors showing dependable repeat viewership. Most of the Australians experienced high levels of satisfaction with the Australian screen content nonetheless they did not enjoy screen content because of aspects related with badly written and unbelievable writing and also slow, boring and non entertainment across documentary formats, feature films and television fiction. O’ Reagan (1996) argued that Australian cinema- like those of other countries- is more effectively understood as a set of processes rather than as a fundamental

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Putting In the Hours Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Putting In the Hours - Essay Example The reader is likely to be hooked into reading this article because it gives insight into certain things that are often overlooked by many people when they look at the work of the professors. The author is an expert in this field because he vividly describes different types of professors and how they schedule their office hours when they are not delivering lectures in classrooms. The author’s main idea in this particular article is that work schedules for the professors depend on how they wish to spend their office hours in a productive manner. Some prefer to schedule their office hours early in the morning while others like to use their time during the day. Different professors display attitudes that differ from person to person depending on how they wish to conduct their office business. The author’s main purpose of writing is to enlighten the readers about different types of professors found in North America. He wishes to emphasize the point that a work schedule is e ssential when one is to successfully carry out tasks related to teaching and dealing with students during office hours. It may not be possible to simply approach the professor during his office hour since he or she may be somehow committed with other tasks. The author tries to portray a professor in North America as someone operates according to a schedule which ought to be maintained in order for him or her to achieve the desired goals. The author uses descriptive vocabulary in the article and the tone is intended to compel the readers to share the same ideas and opinions with him. For instance, the author describes different types of professors using descriptive terms and these make it quite simple for the reader to imagine what he is trying to say. Lang (207) describes the professor who prefers to use their office hours in consultation with the students as â€Å"Early bird† while those who do not want to be disturbed as â€Å"Door closer.† This type of vocabulary ma kes the reader imagine how this person looks like and the way he or she is likely to behave. Some of the terms used to describe the different types of professors by the author are self explanatory and they are quite simple to understand. For example, the Early bird derives from the adage: â€Å"The early bird catches a fat worm.† This implies that he who performs his work early is likely to achieve the desired goals on time. On the other hand, Lang (208) uses the phrase, â€Å"Door closer† to describe a person who closes the door when he or she does not want to be disturbed. Through this phrase, the reader is compelled to imagine the behaviour of such kind of person and how she or he is likely to impact on the students’ perception about them. The author’s presentation is valid in the sense that he uses information that was derived using the observation method. This method is reliable in that first hand information is obtained when one observes the action of a particular person. Lang (207) says, â€Å"Working our way up and down the halls of one faculty office building, checking out the office hour schedules posted below the nameplates and observing the work and leisure of these specimens...† and this statement reveals that the article is based on real observation of how the professors schedule their work. In presenting his argument, the author tries to convince the reader that this article is

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Differences Of Gender Communication Research Paper

Differences Of Gender Communication - Research Paper Example However, women get credit not only for being active listeners but also for responding to anything that they need to say; this is due to the fact that they react in a positive manner to this as compared to men. Women demonstrate attentiveness by means of verbal and non-verbal signs while men tend to avoid these cues that keep on appearing from time to time. The majority of men fail in listening to every single word in a dialogue; when speaking to a man, it is probable for a man to be a dynamic listener, yet when the conversation comes to an end, the same man may ask the name of the person. Considering that the person talking had clearly mentioned his name in the beginning of their conversation. It is even possible for the man to ask once again for the name of the speaker in the conversation; this is a clear indication that this man had been a discriminatory listener, so he forgot the name of the person speaking. Apparently, this happens to be the main distinction between men and women . The second subject at hand happens to be verbal communication; research shows that while men tend to seek status in a conversation, women, on the other hand, seek acceptance. While men tend to speak about their careers, their achievements, and their future, women tend to discuss issues that have a direct or indirect relation to men. Men have a tendency of telling more stories and jokes as compared to women, considering that telling jokes to happen to be a masculine way of negotiating a status. ... However, women get credit not only for being active listeners but also for responding to anything that they need to say; this is due to the fact that they react in a positive manner to this as compared to men. Women demonstrate attentiveness by means of verbal and non-verbal signs while men tend to avoid these cues that keep on appearing from time to time. The majority of men fail in listening to every single word in a dialogue (Crawford, 1995); for instance, when speaking to a man, it is probable for a man to be a dynamic listener, yet when the conversation comes to an end, the same man may ask the name of the person. This is remarkable, considering that the person talking had clearly mentioned his name in the beginning of their conversation. It is even possible for the man to ask once again for the name of the speaker in the conversation; this is a clear indication that this man had been a discriminatory listener, so he forgot the name of the person speaking (Crawford, 1995). Appar ently, this happens to be the main distinction between men and women. The second subject at hand happens to be verbal communication; research shows that while men tend to seek status in a conversation, women, on the other hand, seek acceptance (Barret & Davidson, 2006). This statement is obviously true when a man engages in a conversation with a woman; while men tend to speak about their careers, their achievements, and their future, women tend to discuss issues that have a direct or indirect relation to men. Men have a tendency of telling more stories and jokes as compared to women, considering that telling jokes happens to be a masculine way of negotiating a status. In most of those stories told by men, they almost always turn out to be heroes; conversely,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Crisis Action Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Crisis Action Plan - Essay Example The main concern about a nuclear-armed Iran is a potential security threat to the region. The country has an aggressive foreign policy, particularly towards Israel and moderate U.S allies in the Arabian Peninsula. Iran can, therefore, use nuclear weapons against Israel, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and America together with its interests in the region. Iran is also known to support terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah, which opposes the existence of Israel. Iran can share its nuclear technology with the Palestinian militant group, Hamas, which governs Gaza Strip. If Iran is not disarmed immediately, there will be catastrophic security consequences to its perceived enemies in the Middle East and Europe. Iran has ballistic missiles in its arsenal that are capable of hitting targets in the neighboring countries. The first course of action is to bomb precisely some nuclear production facilities located in different parts of the country. The aim of such bombings would be to get Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani’s attention and to deter him from resorting to nuclear weapons in the future. Targets could include buried nuclear facilities in Natanz, near Tehran and Fordo, near the holy city of Qom. The uranium conversion facility at Isfahan and the heavy-water production plant in Arak could also be targeted. The desirability of this choice is that it could be mounted swiftly and with minimal risk to the American forces involved. The artillery for selection would be Tomahawk land-attack cruise missiles fired from the navy submarines and warships. The COA is adequate; it can accomplish its mission of forcing Tehran to give up its nuclear ambitions. The attacks could be mounted swiftly and with minimal risks to the U.S forces involved. If Tehran learns that there is a credible risk of further military attacks, it will accept a peaceful means to destroy its nuclear weapons stockpiles and give up further development of the lethal weaponry. Thus,

Enterprise Architecture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 3

Enterprise Architecture - Essay Example The article provides a brief overview of the TOGAF framework, in simple and comprehensive terms. The author offers an architecture development methodology, based on TOGAF and comprising four steps: tailoring TOGAF to suit enterprise needs; defining the scope of work; overseeing development; and managing post-implementation aspects. Banerjee claims that the TOGAF architecture is not the ultimate solution but merely a starting point in the development of effective enterprise solutions. The article can be extremely useful in the study of various enterprise architecture frameworks. In this article, the TOGAF framework is the central object of analysis. The researchers assert that the main rules and principles of rule-driven systems are too old to be effective. Nonetheless, they have the potential to provide better insight into the rational structure of enterprise architecture frameworks. Bommel et al (2006) use the rules of the TOGAF network to analyze two examples and conclude that, eve n if certain formulations lead to redundancy, they should not be discarded, not to distort the EA picture. Designing enterprise architecture models is not an easy task. Compatibility of various frameworks presents another issue. In this article, the authors discuss and evaluate the TOGAF architecture framework and its relation to architecture development method. The results show how TOGAF can complement EA management and provide the basis for resolving EA related concerns. Carraro and Chong provide a detailed description of the Software as a Service model of enterprise architecture. The benefits and considerations for embracing SaaS are discussed. The article sheds light on how SaaS affects information technologies and how to become a SaaS provider. The article is an excellent source of information about SaaS and become the starting point in the analysis of SaaS applications and frameworks.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

SMALLVILLE STORY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

SMALLVILLE STORY - Essay Example The three women, believed to be working for a powerful and notorious narcotics trafficking organization, are members of a local burglary ring. During the time of their arrest, the police officers found 60 articles of clothing, several firearms, and large quantity of electronics. The crime rates in Smallville have been on the rise in the last six months. â€Å"Based on our investigations so far, we have reason to believe that the suspects are members of a burglary ring that has operated in Smallville for at least six months,† said Smallville police officer, Henry Jankins. The investigations into the thefts have begun. The police will use the tips from the injured store attendants, and the goods found at the women’s residence. From there, the police, working with DEA, will uncover the drug trafficking business. A report from the police indicated the women, Lisa Belkin, Gertudis Cano, and Jenifer Wade are investigated for burglary and drug related charges. The suspects, all women who are in their late 20’s have been allies of a criminal enterprise. At their most innovative, the employees who watched the women steal from the store recorded the number plates of the late-model Lexus SUV that the women used to drive away. The police will use this evidence to connect the women to the store

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Clinical supervision and reflections on practice Essay

Clinical supervision and reflections on practice - Essay Example Reflections and Supervision: Caring for the sick and elderly Conclusion References Introduction Reflective strategies are used to enhance professional observation of the work experience with others and it enhances clinical supervision. Reflection is a process of generating meaning from experiences by considering actions taken with the aim of improving upon future decision-making (Jasper, 2003). Reflective strategies help in identifying gaps in knowledge, skills and learning needs. Reflective strategies also help in analysing communication and relationships with colleagues. Reflective strategies examine decisions taken and are essential in order to identify errors made during decision-making and steps to be avoided when making future decisions. One strategy which the author has used herself for reflection in her work place is clinical supervision. In the future, she would like to consider the use a reflective diary as well. The following discussion will be contextualized both in terms of relevant literature and postings in the MOODLE Discussion Forum by this author and various contributors commenting on the usefulness of a â€Å"reflective diary† and the value of â€Å"management and supervision† of the nursing practice. As the MOODLE postings show, practice may be perceived as benefiting from reflection and supervision. Not everyone agrees, however. Nevertheless, postings on this and the issue of supervision are a very useful way of entering on a discussion of their benefits. Reflections and Supervision: Caring for the sick and elderly â€Å"Reflective practice is associated with learning from experience and is viewed as an important strategy for health professionals who embrace life-long learning† (NHS Guidelines, 2006). Reflecting upon one’s work or practise as a nurse is thus essential (Nursing Standard, 2011; Jasper, 2003). When finding oneself in a difficult situation, one may benefit from stopping and taking time to reflect on what just transpired with the goal to learn from a past mistake in order to make amendments and adjustments to be able to do things differently next time (Johns, 1995). Reflecting upon one’s own position in a certain work process that typically involves a team that has to interact to produce a beneficial outcome, scrutinizing one’s own emotions and the way one often â€Å"balances† between the demands of biology and medicine and the needs of the sick one cares for as a nurse is fundamental to ensure â€Å"best practices† (Bowling, 2009). Keeping a â€Å"reflective journal† or a â€Å"reflective diary† are effective reflective techniques (Heath, 1998, pp. 592-598). Other useful reflective strategies include mentoring, clinical supervision, appraisals, handovers, meetings, group supervision. These means imply an evaluation of skills and enhance learning. The author of this essay has herself benefited from reflecting on her practice and various factual events when she was a student nurse, recording her private experiences, emotions, thoughts and views in a â€Å"reflective diary†. Once a qualified nurse, she abandoned the use of this important tool but has again come to realize its great benefit for nurses in always attending to the above-mentioned distinction and the uniqueness and humanity of each patient. â€Å"I have overlooked the reflective diary in my experience as a qualified nurse at junior level, even as a unit manager. I felt limited by it, and if one loses the diary all the data are lost. After doing the APEL module, my focus is totally different. From the 1st of Feb 20011 till my retirement I am determined to reflect on my practise, use a reflective diary and make a secure electronic copy of it† (â€Å"Reflective Diary†, this author, MOODLE Discussion Forum, 24 January 2011). There is wide agreement on the Forum on the usefulness of the diary (cf. Rolfe et al., 2001). One contributor note s that she qualified as a nurse a long while ago and not until

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Public Debt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Public Debt - Essay Example As the paper declares a report issued in April, 2005, by the National Center for Children in Poverty, cites 40 percent of America’s children live in families with poverty level incomes. The Bush Administration, the report says, and Congress has called for dramatic cuts in a program that is already struggling to meet the needs of the low-income families currently on the program. The program, which received increased funding during the 1990s to facilitate the Welfare to Work goals, continued to turn away thousands of needy due to limited resources. Medicaid, a federally sponsored program that works in conjunction with state resources to provide healthcare to needy families, would also be dramatically cut as part of the existing proposals. This essay stresses that congressmen and women enjoy a great many perks at the public expense. According to the National Taxpayer’s Union Foundation, â€Å"Members elected in 1984 and thereafter pay 1.3 percent towards the pension and 6.2 percent to Social Security. This only compensates for about 1/5 of the typical lifetime benefit. We cover the rest as taxpayers.† Why should our lawmakers be held to a different standard than the people struggling to support them? The answer is, they should not, and they should contribute to the retirement and Social Security systems like any other worker in America. When we have lawmakers who routinely look to the elderly, impoverished and children to pay for the Public Debt, perhaps this time around, our cuts should begin with them.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Lml Swot analysis Essay Example for Free

Lml Swot analysis Essay LML Ltd is an India-based Company that manufactures, sells and exports motorized two wheelers. The company operates in one segment, namely motorized two wheelers. They offer scooters, motorcycles, and mopeds, as well as spares and accessories. They are having their manufacturing facilities located at Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh. LML Ltd was incorporated in the year 1972 as Lohia Machineries Ltd to manufacture machinery for the synthetic fibres industry. In the year 1983, the company commenced production of 100 cc scooters in technical collaboration with Piaggio VE, SpA, Italy. In the year 1984, the company incorporated a new company under the name and style of Vespa Car Company Ltd to manufacture 200,000 scooters and 50,000 three-wheelers annually. STRENGTH Vespa is an Italian line of scooters manufactured by Piaggio. The Vespa has evolved from a single model motor scooter manufactured in 1946 by Piaggio Co. S. p. A.of Pontedera, Italy—to a full line of scooters and one of seven companies today owned by Piaggio—now Europes largest manufacturer of two-wheeled vehicles and the worlds fourth largest motorcycle manufacturer by unit sales. Known for their painted, pressed steel unibody which combines a complete cowling for the engine, a flat floorboard , and a prominent front fairing , The Vespa was the first globally successful scooter. ?Vespa first came to India in 1960 with a collaboration with Bajaj Auto.? The technical collaboration ended in 1971 and Bajaj and Vespa parted ways. ?Vespa at that time was considered an iconic scooter brand globally and the brand was owned by Piaggio. ?Piaggio then joined hands with the Kanpur based Lohia Machines Ltd ( LML) in 1983 and started to roll out the Vespa range of Scooters. ?By that time Bajaj was ruling the market with the iconic Chetak . WEAKNESS Opportunities and Threats LML stands for the highest standards of technical expertise, product innovation and has one of the ?nest R D capabilities, particularly relating to designing, rapid prototyping, CAD CAM, tooling and industrialization. It is harnessing these strengths and its vast experience in the two-wheeler business coupled with a aggressive business strategy for its revival and turnaround. The Company is perhaps the ? rst in the world to obtain Euro III certi? cation for its 2-stroke vehicles and subsequent to restart, it has also received the upgraded ISO 9001-2008 certi? cation from DNV.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Primary drivers of the organizational change

Primary drivers of the organizational change This is the key essential driver of the organizational change. Companies which do not maintain their financial standards or required to reevaluate their objectives and process. When a new opponent gives an enter in to the market with a new technology which is advanced or with labor at low cost then the company which had officially enjoyed profits will experience fall in the share value of their market . A company which as faced a failure to preserve its position in the competitive presents can experience pressure on its resources and compel to face the second thought on the cost of capital and deployment of the resources. Strategic change in the objectives:- This is the primary driver of the organizational change. When a company changes its center of attention to a customer oriented service from a product oriented service then new process comes in the existence to assist this reorientation, which results in the unemployment to the active staff or processes which are manufacturing. End of the product development:- A product reaches of its development life cycle when companies are strained stop its production to reduce the operating cost which helps them to survive in the existing market. At the end of the life cycle of the product development many of the companies sell out are combined with its competitors in the existing market. This makes the company to face the structural changes in its trade processes to either sustain profitability or concentrate on evolving opportunities. New technology:- New technology can be addresses ad major driver of the organizational change. For an instance internet dominating on the old style print media companies. The browsing levels of internet is increasing day by day worldwide, which as forcing companies to acclimatize their active operations to the changing preferences of the consumers . Companies which ignore to follow the upcoming trends will experience the fall in share value will compare to its opponents who adapt the rising technologies to address the demands of their customers. Fusions and acquisition:- When companies unite their operations then cost cutting on a significant level and the reengineering takes place unemployment remodeling to lineup with the objectives of the management steer the organizational change. Fusion of a fusion of a few companies can create the large considerable aims to modernize their operations and join existing operation into a centralized model. BURECRATIC ORGANIZATION:- Burecratic organization is a kind of government which is created by the assembly of unelected workers administrators and managers, who follow rules shaped by the nominated and designated authorities of the department. Basic principles:- Utilizing set of measures deal to deal a worker. Remote relations among the people. Utilizing a set of principles to cover the privileges and duties an employee. Division of manual labor from will designed field. Authority with discreet chain of command. Technical competence is the base for promoting and selection of the employee. Strengths:- Employees are control with a clear set of rules and regulations. The system is centralized and everything is monitored. It follows standardization and makes everyone to follow the same procedure. It is based on the impersonal orientation. It is legally tenure based. Weaknesses:- The decision making and all the other processes are very slow The jobs may become boring for the employees The communication has to go through so many levels that it gets distorted. Too much control discourages innovation and creativity. There are too many levels in the hierarchy. The bureaucracy itself encourages political behavior and people try to use other means to go up the hierarchy. 2.1b):- Argos is one of the largest retailers in the United Kingdom. It has 750 stores located all over the United Kingdom. Argos is unique among the major retailer in the uk , as its primary mains on discipline goods is by means of a catalog. Argos is a catalog merchant. Customers can browse through its catalog select the desired goods and pay the price for their desired goods and collect them from the collection desk in the store or deliver their goods directly to home. Argos possess many brands like Chad valley, Elizabeth duke, bush, mikomi, and Alba. Argos was once a FTSE100 INDEX but now owned by a home retail group. It was found by Richard Tompkins. He is the person who started green shield stamp in the United Kingdom. He rebranded the green shield stamps catalog shops as Argos in July 1973. The first Argo store opened on the A28 STURRY ROAD, CANTERBURRY. Argo started with thousand member of staff and 1000000 pounds income during the week in November. A new slogan helping you live for less was introduce in January 2010 as a part of the rebranding process. It is a register owner for several brands. Discuss and Compare the ways of Organizational development. Which one is appropriate and feasible for your selected organization? Justify your choice. (2.1.c) Organization Development is an effort planned, organization-wide, and managed from the top, to increase organization effectiveness and health through planned interventions in the organizations processes, using behavioral-science knowledge. -Beck hard, Organization development: Strategies and Models, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1969, p. 9. Todays organizations operate in a rapidly changing environment. Consequently, one of the most important assets for an organization is the ability to manage change and for people to remain healthy and authentic. It is defined as a continuous process which is implemented by all the organizations. Organization development makes its people who are only operational into talented to gain better results which helps in the expansion and increase in its production by various plans to gain returns. Development in the product range expanse business. Changes and development of Argos:- Argos as experienced changes in the life increasing in the variety of different goods. Because of the vary traditions in the United Kingdom. Each and every product in the Argos catalog or grouped according tools type for example computer peripherals, jewellary, toys for kids etc. Argos owned some of the brand and rebranded them as their own brand. Customers for made convenient by introducing new technologies this also helped the company to face the increasing competition in market. For an instance, customers are made convenient by introducing the self check machines which helps them to check the availability of the desired products from the bulk varieties and categories present in the store. Introduction of these type of new technologies not only made the customer to feel convenient but also it helped to be in the top position in the competitive market. Argos is also attracting the customers by reducing the prices of the product introducing deals with discounts for the customers to m ake them feel that they gain something profitable from the offers. Introducing of these type of discounts and deals increases the sales of the company and existence of the company for long terms in the market which is competitive. Development required for the Argos:- The infrastructure of the company should be improved drastically. Argos should update its new technologies like embedding the two different technologies which made the company unique in the market for example self checkout machines which are introducing by the Argos to provide quality service tools customers should be embedded with paying machines. This reduces the queues at the cash counters which makes the customers feel comfortable. Introduction of new products according to the developing generations should be made available in the company for example multimedia products, automotive products and products with nano technology should be made available in the Argos store. Security inside the store should be increased drastically, which makes the customer feel safe and secure. Introduction of multinational and multi cultural products attracts the different kind of customers. Covering the entire region by dividing into small parts and establishing the stores in according to the divided regions. This makes the Argos company to reach all the customers in the United Kingdom. Availability of online shopping should be increased. Use appropriate tools (Stakeholder analysis is compulsory) to develop the systems to understand and involve appropriate stakeholders in the introduction of change. Evaluate how successful your system will be specially in handling the resistance to change in the organization. (2.2.a 2.2.b) Stakeholder management a vital role in the success of every organization it is an important an discipline which is followed by the successful people and to win support from others. Stakeholder management consist of two important elements they are Stakeholder analysis Stakeholder planning Stakeholder analysis:- Stakeholder analysis is defined as a technique which is utilize to spot out the key elements of the people whom have to be one over. Stakeholder planning:- Stakeholder planning is defined as the as defined as the procedure which built the support to make a succeed. Stakeholders are the people whose participation and support are considered to be crucial in achieving the goals and objectives of the project and leading the project to its success. So recognizing of all the stakeholders is considered to be an important activity for a project manager to guarantee the success of the project. Stakeholder can be individual within the project, individuals within the organization and individuals or groups outside the organization. Managing of stakeholders for a project involves stakeholder identification, action taking, management of the stakeholder expectations reviewing and the repeating the status, assessing stakeholder influence, analyzing the stakeholder interest and documentation of the needs of the stakeholder. Step by step process of the analyzing the stakeholder analysis:- Categorizing stakeholders:- It is the first step in the stakeholder analysis this stage things about who yours stakeholders are and all the people who are pretentious by the work and who can influence are have cover on over it, or show interest in its successful or unsuccessful conclusion. Prioritize stakeholder:- After identifying the stakeholders of company there will be long list of people and organizations who are influenced by our work. Some of people this people and organizations can have a power to block it or advance it and some of them may be interested in what we are doing Understanding the important stakeholder:- In this stage we need to know more about our stakeholders. It is essential to know about their view and reactions there project. It is also essential to know how to engage them in the project and how to communicate with them. What are the benefits of the stakeholder analysis? With the help of the stakeholder analysis a project can identified Possible issues which disorders the project Methods to minimize the possible negative force and to manage the negative stakeholders. Important people for distributing the information during the execution face Benefits of the all the stakeholders who may be affected or affect the project. Planning of the communication and strategy of managing the stakeholders during planning face of the product Groups that should get encouragement to take part in various stages of the project. Engaging all the stakeholders throughout the life cycle of the project is a vital key for the success of the project. Management of the stakeholder expectations and guaranteeing their active involvement is key essential to project as It is necessary for maintenance of the project and completing the project successfully. It gives the chance the individuals or groups to articulate their thoughts, problems, and concerns over the project. It gives a logic of liability and develops responsibility. It facilitates effectual threat identification and planning of the response. It also opens up and outstanding learning opportunity for both the stakeholders and the project team. For your chosen organization recommend the changes required to attain or sustain competitive advantage in the business world. Support your answer with appropriate models and process for change in the organization. (2.3.a) The basic objective of study was to mould the dealings between organizational culture and change defining the ways in which a privileged knowledge of organizational culture affects the process of executing change, and identifying the different stages of the change process at which the communication between organizational culture and change executing methods holds significance of the functions. Many of the present models and structures of the organization change admit the pressure of implicit proportion of organizational life at one or more different stages of the change process. These models replicate contradictory levels of granularity which respect to the process of completing organizational change and each recognizes typical stages of change execution. The model and structure of the organizational change in cultural circumstance establish in this article was urbanized to reflect different stages in the process of implementing the change where organizational culture apply different ial influence. Business development driven change:- Business development potentially consist of everything which is concerned with the excellence of the business are the organization. Business development planning firstly needs establishment of the aims for the development of the business and then originating in a strategy for business development, which would include some or all the following methods of development. Trade development New product development New market development Shape of the business organization Structure and process development Logistics and supply chain development Management and communication development Strategic development Distribution development International development New product development (NPD):- NPD is the term which explains the whole process of bringing a new product or service in to the existence to the market. Marketing according to its nature involve innovative ideas different functions of the organizations. Innovative ideas are essential for reacting to varying demand by the market which is targeted and the exerted pressure by the opponents. These changes are obvious in decision making in all marketing which includes the development of a new product. New product development process include 8 stages they are idea generation, idea screening, concept development and testing the concept, business analysis, product development, market development, market testing and product launch. Process development:- Process development is defined as developing a manufacturing process to accommodate Logistics:- Logistics is defined as a business planning structure for the management of material, facility, data and capital flows. It includes the increasingly complicated information, communication and control systems required in todays business environment. SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT:- A supply chain is the process of moving goods from the customer order through the raw materials stage. All organizations have supply chains of varying degrees, depending upon the size of the organization and the type of product manufactured. These networks obtain supplies and components, change these materials into finished products and then distribute them to the customer. Managing the chains of events in this process is what is known as supply chain management. Effective management must take into account coordination all the different pieces of this chain as quickly as possible without losing any of the quality or customer satisfaction. Acquisitions and disposals:- General form of the business development is partly subjective, partly scientific with the base of a thoughts and requirements of the business owners or chief executive officers. There are different methods and processes to expand the business which accomplish the growth and improvement and hardly ever is just one of these a single best solution. Business development is also called as black art i.e. it is difficult to analyze and difficult to apply a replicable process. Process models:- Process models of change authorize the series of events which are necessary to effect organizational change concentrating more on required basic steps of implementation than on conceptual task required. All process models tolerate homage to lewins1947 classic three stage model of change, defining the necessary succession through the phases of unfreeze, refreeze and change. Following process models which outline the series of events which are to be elaborated to varying degrees upon these necessary basic stages of change in his recent retaliation, burk2008 highlighted the role of the leadership at each stage adding a prelaunch stage focused on preparing an organization for the troubles some effects and change Process models change have been differentiated with respect to the underlying philosophical perspectives and definitions they symbolize, major underlying statements and types of sense making that describe each approach. All though the number of categories and labels in each differentiation scheme varies. There have five different process models have been classified. Evolutionary (inevitable) Teleological (planned) Life cycle (maturational) Political (strategic) Social cognitive (conceptual) Organization culture is afforded contradictory roles and significance of the function in each of these process models change. Kezar2001 reserved a 6th category of cultural change for process models particularly aimed at varying organizational culture. Process models of cultural change are identified by organizational theorists in spite of fact that the concept of culture was basically developed to clarify the in availability, not change organizational culture has constantly evolved as a crucial variable to determining the success of the efforts to realize institutional change. Both theoretical and process models of organizational change have been modernize to replicate the position of cultural dynamics in moderating efforts of the leaders to pressure the attitudes customs and performance of the supporters in organizational settings. The procedure in which organizational culture has been integrated in to these models of change which provides a frame works for considerating the questions which are addressed in this study. Develop a detail plan to implement the recommended changes and evaluate at least 3 possible outcomes organization may achieve after successful implementation. (Task 2.3.b) Implementation plan: Proper plan is required to bring change and succeed in every organization. Identifying the opportunities and available solutions should be done before the implementation. Identify all the issues of execution by gathering the required data from the important people who brings the change and can evaluate the important options like resources and priorities. In Argos implementation plans introduces the self checkout machine with embedded technology and home delivery concept. Firstly Argos should have some time line and aims to reach the objective before the implementation plan according to the plan the task should be allocated an all the necessary resources should be gathered For the execution of the implementation plan. Implementation of plan as follows:- Self checkout machine embedded with paying machine. Drive through and home delivery concept. Plan1:- Firstly self checkout machines embedded with paying machines are introduced in selected store where a wide variety of customers come to the store daily. Then all the customers are educated about how it will works the advantages of the self checkout machines embedded with paying machines explaining detail to the customers. This new technology which is introduce will avoid the customers standing in the queues by reducing their wastage of their valuable time. Then after a certain short period feedback from the customers is collected. Find out if there any issue and fix it by taking enough time without its occurrence in the future and improving the changes and developments in accordance to the customer feedback should be done. Again after a certain period of time if the product is successful without any complainants by the customers then install the product in all the stores to provide qualitative services for the customers. Finally evaluate the success percentage in the execution of pla n which expands the growth of the organization. Plan2:- Firstly advertise about the drive through and home delivery concept in selected areas. Then give a complete awareness and the working structure of the home delivery concept. Explain the advantages that customers by introducing this concept there is no need of customers to come in to the stores to buy the products. A catalog embedded with the paying machine is payment and give the details for delivery. After introducing this concept feedback of the customers is collected and the processes are monitored frequently. Delivery of the product should be made in time with any damage to the product and delay. Again after a certain period of time if the product is successful without any complainants by the customers then install the product in all the stores to provide qualitative services for the customers. Finally evaluate the success percentage in the execution of plan which expands the growth of the organization. By using the embedding technology with self check out machines and paying mac hines. Customers can find the products easily and they need not to stand in the queue for payment. They can search the products and they can able to pay the amount by using this new electronic device. Once they pay the amount they will get one receipt. When the receipt shows they can get the products in concerned counter. By using drive through customers save the time and no need to search the things what they want. So they get the served simply through the window. Once the plans are implemented successfully to bring the change in the stores people attract automatically because of the quick service. When the customers get quick service they attract to the stores hence the profits may increased more over they get the satisfaction when their expectations reached by providing the quality service hence the company goals satisfied.

Challenges Faced By The Virgin Atlantic Commerce Essay

Challenges Faced By The Virgin Atlantic Commerce Essay Nowadays globalization has increased so competitions in business are very high because of making profits the demand increases through customers. There are lots of good smart phone applications, or app, available for smart phones to help every people to travel easier. People are addicted to travel in different places by flights, so they are looking for cheap rate. If this company decrease the flight charges their marketing in business will be in loss. One really good one is flight track. This flight land at fix time and gate number and even allow to see the geographical position of the flight on a map at any time. In this flight offers many facilities like food, water, drinks ,napkins with free of cost travelers make wonderful journey for their trips on this flight.Many airlines such as southwest,jetblue and others have launched applications which let you book your tickets ,lookup schedules and check in all in phones so customers can book tickets through online and tickets were posted in houses. A few days ago virgin Atlantic came out with app and is called JET LAG FIGTHER which seems to have a lot of potentials for people. In some emergency case workers, families in serious can immediately book on this flight. This aircraft is fastest rather than any other aircraft. TASK1 For years theres been something rather lonely about the British airline its very expensive travelers to travel. The food which they provide is not free of cost. The British airline which flies outside the comforting embrace of the big three alliances, despite the 49%stake owned by the Singapore airline a member of star alliances. That could set to change , though with virgin having now admitted to receiving a number of lines of enquiry. Theres something rather inevitable about a deal for virgin. British airways are very expense this aircraft makes difficult to gain their profits. Its a big rival working ever more closely with American airlines and international air transport associations, virgins continuing survival as a lone operator just seems too shaky. Leadership style is the manner and approach of providing direction, implementing plans and motivating people. Kurt Lewis (1939) led a group of researchers to identify different styles of leaderships.The three major style of leadership are AUTHORITIAN OR AUTOCRATIC PARTICIPATVE OR DEMOCRATIC DELEGATING OR FREE REIGN AUTHORITIAN-This style is used when leaders tell their employees what they want done and how they want it accomplished without getting the advice of their followers .Some of the appropriate conditions to use it is when we all the information to solve the problem. Some people tend to think of this style as a vehicle for yelling ,using demeaning language and leading by threats and abusing their powers. PARTICIPATIVE(DEMOCRATIVE)-This style involves the leader including one or more employees in the decision making process. However leader maintains the final decision making authority.Using this style is not a style of weakness, rather it is sign of strength that your employees will respect. This is normally used when you have part of the information and your employees have other parts. DELEGATING OR FREE REIGN-In this style leaders allow to make the decisions. However the leader is still responsible for the decisions that are made.This is used when employees are able to analyse the situations and determine what needs to be done and how to do it. Leadership is organizing a group of people to achieve a common goal. The leader may or may not have formal authority.Students of leadership have produced theories involving traits. 1.situational,interaction,function,behavior,power,visionand values. 2.charishma and intelligence and among others Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson is a British entrepreneur best known for his virgin group of over 400companies His first successful business venture was a magazine called student at age 16.In 1970 he set up an audio record mail order business. In 1972 he opened a chain of record stores .Virgin Records later known as virgin megastores.Bransons virgin brand grew during the 1980.Branson mainly has lots of business he earned more profit for virgin atlantic.He wants to continue his business for a long time. Once he caught arrested and charged selling in virgin stores that had been declared export stock .He settled out of court with uk customs and Excise with an agreement to repay the unpaid tax and a fine. Earning enough money from his record stores. Branson in 1972 launched the record level and a country estate in which he installing a recorded studio. He have lots of professional work and have good idea to build up the companies. DETERMINING ORGANIZATION DIRECTION 1. Through an interpretation of information gathered during environmental analysis managers can determine the direction in which an organization should move. 2. Important ingredients of organizational direction are organizational Mission and organizational objectives. DETERMINING ORGANIZATIONAL MISSION: The most common initial act in establishing organizational direction is an organizational mission. The statement that describes the mission talks about the target market which in this case is families, geographic, domain of neighbourhoods. It also talks about its strategy t be profitable by providing good customer service through friendly and knowledgeable people. It is essential to look into external influences like labour, conditions, competitors, government rules while considering mission statement. Companys mission statement should define stakeholders expected return along with the measurement of the performance of the company through those returns. The expected profit too should be included in the organizations mission. Moreover, the company should come to consensus as to what all areas should be measured like margin growth, efficiency, competitive cost position, product quality, market share etc. A missions statement sets the boundaries for how resources should be allocated and what strategic and operational goals should be set. The mission statement should acknowledge the companys strength and then inform employees where to direst their efforts in order to take advantage of those strength. It is often helpful to allow companywide input when creating a mission statement. Employees from throughout the organization can help identify the core values of the company. It is important to keep in mind that there will be a draft process involving in creating the mission statement. Employees can often provide invaluable insight on how to improve on each draft. In the end the mission statement should reflect the personality of the organization. Thus each company should be creative and unique in developing its own statement. Creating a mission committee that consists of members of management, frontline employees. Communicating the mission statement to customers to make them feel valued a nd important. It can be sending to customers in a mass mailing or posted or signs in areas those customers frequent. It sets the forth the goals of the organizations so customers know what to expect when doing business with the company. Mission and vision statements give organizations a focus and a strategy for the future. Setting up meetings with members of management and frontline employees can often help uncover areas where the company does not meet the standard sets by the mission statement, SWOT ANALYSIS Organizations should begin first by reviewing internal strengths and weakness. When analyzing an organizations strength is important to identify distinctive competencies or strength possessed by only a few competing firms. These distinctive competencies often become the competitive advantage that is included in the mission statement. Distinctive competencies can be found in the financial resources, quality product and services, proprietary technology or cost advantage. Organizational weakness is skills and capabilities that prevent an organization from implementing strategies that achieve its mission. They can be problem with facilities, lack of clear strategic direction, internal operating problems, too narrow a product line, weak market image, or the inability to financial changes. The next step is to identify external opportunities are circumstances in an organizations environment that if capitalized on will result in above normal increases in economic performance. In conclusion mission statement provides a sense of direction and purpose. In times of change and growth they can be an anchor and a guide in decision makings. The benefit far outweigh the disadvantages and challenges when looking at the potential for increase in profitability and returns .Defining an organization by what it produce and who it satisfies are the main target towards creating a sound and stable mission statement. Setting a company apart from the competition is one of the biggest advantages. Task-3 There are two major components to your marketing strategy: how your enterprise will address the competitive market place how you will implement and support your day to day operations In todays every competitive market place a strategy that insures a consistent approach to offering your product its all up to customers how much they required. It is of little value to have a strategy if you lack either the resources or the expertise to implement it. In the process of creating a marketing strategy you must consider many factors. Of those many factors some are more important than others.Because each strategy must address some unique considerations its not reasonable to identify every important factor at a general level. If the market is very attractive and your enterprise is one of the strongest in the industry you will want to invest your best resources in support of your offerings. If the market is very attractive and your enterprise is one of the weaker ones in the industry. A cost leadership strategy based on the concept that you produce and market good quality product or service at lower cost than your competitors. These low cost should translate to profit margins that are higher than the industry average. Some of the conditions that should exist to support a cost leadership strategy include an ongoing availability of operating capital, good process engineering skills, close management of labor, products designed for ease of manufacturing and low cost distribution. A differentiation strategy is one of the creating a product or service that is perceived is being unique throughout the industry. The emphasis can be a brand image, proprietary technology, special features, and superior services, a strong distributor network or other aspects that might be specific to your industry .This uniqueness should also translate to profit margins that are higher than the industry average. In addition some of the conditions that should exist to support a differentiation strategy include strong marketing abilities, effective product engineering, creative personal the ability to perform basic research and a good reputation. A focus strategy may be the most sophisticated of the generic strategies, in that it is a more intense form of either the cost leadership or differentiation strategy. It is designed to address a focused segment of the marketplace, product form or cost management process and is usually employed when it isnt appropriate to attempt an across the board application of cost leadership or differentiations. It is based on the concept of serving a particular target in such an exceptional manner, those others cannot compete. Usually this means addressing a substantially smaller market segment than others in the industry, but because of minimal competitions, profit margin can be high. CUSTOMER SERVICES The strength of the customer service function has a strong influence on long term market success. Factors to consider include. .Experience of the customers service manager in the areas of similar offerings and customer quality control, technical support, product documentation, sales and marketing. The availability of technical to service your offerings after it is purchased. one or more factors that causes your customer support to stand out as unique in the eyes of the customer service. Accessibility of service outlets for the customer. The reputation of the enterprise for the customer service. PROFIT POTENTIAL Potential for competitive retaliation is based on the competitors resources, commitment to the industry, cash position and predictability as well as the status of the market. The enterprises ability to construct entry barriers to competitions such as the creation of high switching costs, gaining substantial benefit from economic of scale ,exclusive access to or clogging of distributional channels and the ability to clearly differentiate your offerings from the competitions. the ability of the enterprise to limit suppliers bargaining power. The availability of substitute solutions to the prospects need. Market potential for new products considering market growth, prospects need for your offerings and the competition and the degrees of the prospect needs. The freedom of the enterprise to make critical business decisions without undue influence from distributors, suppliers, unions, investors, and other influence. COST TO ENTER MARKET This is an analysis of the factors that will influence your cost to achieve significant market penetration. Factors to consider include. your marketing strength. Access to low cost materials and effective productions. The experience of your enterprise. The complexity of introduction problems such as lack of adherence to industry standards, unavailability of materials, poor quality products, regulatory problems, and the inability to explain the benefits of the offerings to the prospects. The effectiveness of the enterprise infrastructure in terms of organization, recruiting capabilities, employee benefit programs, customer support facilities and logistical capabilities. Distribution effectiveness as measured by the history of relations, the extent of channel utilizations ,financial facilities stability, reputations ,access to prospects and familiarity with your offering. Technological efforts likely to be successful as measured by the strength of the development organization. The availability of adequate operating capital. PRODUCTION The strength of the production manager including experience with personnel management, current and new technologies, complex projects and equipments, tools used by the manufacturing personnel. Economies of scale allowing the sharing of production and the potential for vertical integration. Technology and production experience. The necessary production personnel skill level and or the enterprises ability to hire or train qualified personnel. The ability of the enterprise to limit suppliers bargaining power. The ability of the enterprise to control the quality of raw materials and product. Adequate access to raw materials and sub-assembly production. TECHNOLOGY INNOVATIONS Technology is an outgoing process and BAS competition like virgin Atlantic is also in for the challenge .Virgin Atlantic airlines invested in innovative features that distinguish the company name. The use of information technology and internet are key factors in BAS strategy success and efficiency of the organizations. British Airways recognized this opportunity and turned in to one of its strength. On the other hand Technology advancements may also be a threat to the airline industry. As an example video conferencing may reduce business travel. Another example its internet bookings which are allowing greater price transparency thus leading to aggressive price battles between competitions, resulting in less profit marketing and leading to a less effective financial positions. MARKETING STRATEGY BA lacks of a marketing strategy to win customer loyalty. A weakness that has to be addressed by the organization. It is argued that BA is growing thanks to the globalization and travelers needs rather than to the effectiveness of the marketing campaigns. Despite the great infrastructure hosted by the company.BA needs to carry out better marketing schemes to attract prospective travelers .The company suffers from a deprivation of strategic management strategy to keep its goal aligned with growing market trends to match needs of the future. Virgin Atlantic is being proactive and is currently reviewing it global advertising strategy in a move to increase its advertising effectiveness that could lead to an overhaul of its worldwide arrangement. MAKING STRATEGIC PLANNING MORE EFFECTIVE Rigby has found there is no co relation between satisfaction with financial results and the number or type of strategic management tools used by an organization. The connection between strategies and business results is not perfect because reality usually interference. Reality may interfere internally as when a company is unable to execute its intended strategy, or externally as when events such as competitive response, technological innovation or societal trends affect the business environment. As a result of this week connection the planning process has a limited ability to influence the strategic direction of the enterprise .Most planning process does not work very well. Simpson offered some tips on what planners could do to improve the effectiveness of the planning process. He suggested minimizing the size of the planning function, expanding participation in the planning process, and keeps planning as far away from finance as possible. He noted that a large planning staff tends just to create work and that is important for managers of the functions and business unit to do their own planning .In this way they do the thinking have the insights and are invested in the implementation and results. The business needs to own their plans and against having the corporate planning staff review and critique and an operating department plans. While reducing the size of the planning staff .Planning must become non-elitist and less exclusionary, understanding what business they are in and what value the organization adds. The organization is purpose and strategy flow from the business data. THE THREAT OF TECHNOLOGY Common practices of good management, according to Professor Clayton often sow the seeds of eventual failure; because they are biased towards incremental improvement rather than radical change .He identify two types of technological change, very few established companies have managed to stay top of the change and stay ahead of upstairs competitors. Adopting these disruptive technologies would have caused currently lucrative product lines to become obsolete more rapidly .Companies stumble in the face of technological change for all kinds of reasons, including complacency and arrogance. Failure may be the price of success as companies become captive to once successful paradigms. The gap between what the market requires and what technology is providing creates opportunities for the introduction of radically new technologies. Discontinuities occur when a new technology gives the market smaller, cheaper products with fewer features, less performance or lower quality. Disruptive technologies will not have all the features valued by the mainstream market but may very well serve the needs of the significant portion or an emerging the ability to record. TASK-4 LEADERSHIP SKILL Having this process in place is vital to the organization because the individual identified in the plan will eventually be responsible for ensuring the company is able to tackle future challenges. These high potential candidates must be carefully selected and then provided training and development that gives them skills and competencies needed for tomorrows business environment. Another reason its important is because these high potential will one day become the leaders of the company. This is why their development needs to incorporate a broad range of learning opportunities in your organizations. The individuals should also exposed to as much of the working environment as possible that they gain a good understanding of what the company requires to remain successful. Succession planning is one of those initiatives that many companies dont find the time to start until its too late. If you dont address succession planning now your organization may end up facing the burden in the middle of a crisis. Finally organization understand the need to manage the development of their high performers are step ahead of their competitors. The effort required to establish a development program for future leaders is worthwhile because it creates motivated and capable groups of employees that are ready to move forward in the organization when the need arise. Succession planning is not something a well run company consequences is not being prepared to replace key personnel will have a major impact on organizations ability to achieve its goal and strategic targets. The succession planning needs to be consider as part of the companys strategic planning process because it deals with projecting future changes by anticipating management vacancies and then determining how to meet these challenges. The group turnover is in billions consisting of over 200 companies. The differences in approach from a typical multinational company are: 1) LONG TERM PLANNING-The group is privately held and in the decision making public investors are not involved. Hence the decision is taken from the long term growth perspective. The group does not need to focus on short term profit to show performance in the stock market. 2) COMPANIES OPERATE INDEPENDENTLY-The group is loosely structured under common brand name .The private companies run safely. 3) Containing company wise risk-When a company grows beyond a specific size, the company is divided in two or more. These keep company manageable and while minimizing the impact of its failure in the group. 4) NEW PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION -The group identifies new market and product based on the analysis of the existing market. The existing market for the new market is frequently either a monopoly or oligopoly.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Teaching Philosophies :: Education Teaching Teachers Essays

Teaching Philosophies When everyone always asked the question, what do you want to be when you grow up? I replied; I want to be a teacher. I said this because teaching was the only occupation that was familiar to me. Now, when people ask me that question I answer, I am striving to become an art educator, not because it is familiar, but because of the difference I could make. The greatest rewards of being and educator are those that are intrinsic. What I enjoy the most about teaching someone something new, even now, is the look on their face after they have mastered the technique. Being and art teacher makes this reward a common one, because of the variety of media one works with. Although this, and other reactions are common, I will never get sick of their repetition, or the content area that I am teaching. I would use an eclectic approach to my teaching philosophy. It would be composed of the popular method of pragmatism, mixed with idealism. I believe that all students should have the right to make positive contributions to the class and society, and that learning should be both a group and an individual activity. I personally feel that one of my jobs as a teacher, is to act as a mentor to students, and lead by example. I enjoy teaching, and am knowledgeable in the content area that I am responsible for. I feel that students would enjoy learning the history, theories, and techniques of art when I present the material to them. I am a firm believer in Plato’s theory â€Å"Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress, no matter how slow.† If a child is putting forth maximum effort, I find no reason to enforce faster working habits negatively upon them. Children with slower working speeds should be encouraged, and nurtured, while being worked with on a one to one b asis occasionally. My ideal classroom would have large tables arranged in several horseshoe or incomplete circles. This would give the students a maximum area to work, and myself a place to stand and give advice and directions. The ceramics section would be in the back corner of the room to prevent clay dust on everything. My bulletin boards would be decorated with famous works of artists of the past. One would be reserved for especially for an assignment outline for each media the class would cover.